Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Discovery

I have recently discovered a very interesting little feature about our apartment. We have a water heater. Unfortunately for us, this water heater only actually heats the water for a couple hours every day. In the morning, there is no hot water whatsoever. In the afternoon there is also no hot water. However in the evening for a few hours every night we get the luxury of taking hot showers.

Its not as bad as it seems though, as taking an ice cold shower every morning does a great job of making sure I am wide awake! No worries however, a shower is a shower.

Here is a link to my next set of photos, including Blarney Castle, Dingle Peninsula, Cliffs of Moher.
My Photos!!!

Also, I now know my address in case anyone wants an international pen pal. It is as follows:

Shane Kennedy
Niland House Apt 305
Merchants Road
Galway, Ireland


  1. love the photos! can't wait to visit you.

  2. I wish I was still there. We are adjusting to being back in the USA and the routine. Your Dad is looking for some place to get Irish sausage so he can keep up with his Irish breakfasts.
